Supporting Community Needs in the Tenderloin
Supporting Community Needs in the Tenderloin By Chava Kronenberg In the coming days, the SFMTA will implement a 4-block temporary project on Jones Street, from O’Farrell Street to Golden Gate Avenue for residents to have more pedestrian space in the Tenderloin while maintaining physical distance. To accomplish this, parking on the east side of the street as well as one of the three travel lanes on Jones Street will be removed. These four blocks are a small but significant part of city efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic. The effort will support the local businesses by temporarily refashioning San Francisco streets. COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted people who live and work in the Tenderloin. The SFMTA is working with our sister city agencies and community partners to be part of the solution. The Tenderloin is a dense neighborhood with a high percentage of low-inco...